This past weekend was definitely more of a relaxing weekend, for the most part. For once we had no problems getting to our final destination. Basically, my friends and I are pros when it comes to the Italian train system! Once we arrived in Rimini we had to take the city bus from stop 1 to stop 24. We could tell the locals were not too thrilled when about 30 of us, backpacks and all, tried to pack ourselves onto the first bus that showed up. My first hostel experience was good. The room was tiny as ever, with two sets of bunk beds that seemed a bit wobbly and a "shower" that was just a drain in the middle of the bathroom with a current around it. Other than that it was fine. The location was great, with only a 2 minute walk to the beach and the main road where all the shops and restaurants were located. Our hostel also had a bar in it, which is always convenient! The first night we decided to go to dinner before getting ready because we were all so hungry. I basically demolished my entire pizza, but who's judging!

After dinner, which didn't end until 10:30, we headed back to the hostel to shower and freshen up. While we waited on everyone else to get ready, we headed downstairs to the hostel bar. It was here that I met my first Australians. There accents are just so cute! Wouldn't you agree??
When everyone was ready, we went out in search of a place to hang out. After wandering around for about an hour (which was torture seeing as I felt it was a good idea to wear heels) we finally stumbled upon a place named Life (accompanied by a couple different Italian words that we didn't understand). Once we got downstairs to the dance floor, we received an unexpected surprise. FOAM PARTY!!! It was crazy and my outfit was NOT appropriate for the festivities. My poor shoes were covered in foam by the end of the night. Plus, the Australians and the Italian bartender from our hostel, who just happened to be there, thought it was hilarious to put foam on top of my head!!
The next morning we got up early for our complimentary breakfast, which consisted of two types of cereal and sandwich bread that you could toast. Can you say yum?!? After eating we headed to the beach!! We purchased some beach chairs and got our tan on (and by our I mean everyone but me because I had already coated myself in 100 SPF). The beach was very nice and not too crowded. There were a few topless women and men in speedos, both of which were quite awkward, but I guess that's the norm in Italy. The water felt great as well.

Before heading in we stopped at a little restaurant on the beach. I order this great sandwich-type thing, but sadly I can't remember the name of it. Either way, it was delicious!! Of course, after being out in the sun for a few hours, we were all in need of an afternoon nap. Our hostel had a free pasta party that evening for all the guests. The pasta was about as "great" as the cafeteria pasta we are served every single lunch and dinner at school, but free makes anything taste a little better. After eating we headed to a club named Rock Island that everyone had been raging about. It took a little bit of traveling to get there, including the city bus once again. The club was pretty cool. They played a lot of American music, so we all danced and sang the night away.

The next morning we decided to pass up the complimentary breakfast and sleep in. It was the first time since we had been in Italy that we didn't have to wake up to an alarm!! When we finally woke up, we headed back to the beach. BUT not before everyone and their mom wanted to use some of my sunscreen because their sunburns were beginning to hurt. Sadly, they didn't really learn their lesson, seeing as they only put sunscreen on the places that got burnt the day before. Lets just say some people did not sleep very comfortable that night. After another long day on the beach, we headed back and got ready for our last night out. We tried to go to a seafood restaurant we heard about, but it was all booked, so we ended up going to the same restaurant we had ate at Thursday night, because some of the group hadn't been there yet. This time, instead of devouring another pizza, I ordered some tortellini! Apparently dinner is not something you do quickly in Italy, because we were at the restaurant for probably over 3 hours. At least we had delicious food, good wine, and great company to keep us occupied. Once dinner finally came to a close, we headed back to the hostel to get some drinks and hang out. There were a ton of students from our program and other programs, as well as some foreigners, all staying in our hostel, so it was a lot of fun to make new friends all night.

The next morning was hectic to say the least. We had planned to leave early to catch the first train back to campus, since a few of us had a test the following Monday. The train left around 7:45am, and the city bus we needed to take to get to the train station left at 7:15. At 7am I was woken up to see if we still wanted to go early or not. After wasting 4 minutes we decided to give it a shot. Lets just say the next 11 minutes were the most chaotic 11 minutes of my life. Somehow we managed to make it, although I honestly have no idea how. I definitely looked pretty rough. Even though we made it back to campus about 7 hours before everyone else, the morning was definitely a long one. We had to take 3 separate trains, with hour layovers between each. Worth it??...not so sure. I was so exhausted and gross once we got back to school that I immediately took a shower and fell asleep. Still, the morning was pretty entertaining, at least I thought so, and that's what this whole experience is all about - - making memories.
On a side note, this evening we were required to attend a European Seminar, led by the man in charge of the CIMBA program. He started by asking how many of us holding a United States passport considered themselves American. Most of the room raised their hand. Then he showed us the statistic generated from other's answering the same question, which stated that 96% agreed that they would claim American before anything else. "The other 4%", he coughed, "claim Texan!" Of course, everyone started laughing, and I yelled out a little "wooo" in agreement :) Gotta love that good 'ol Texas pride!
I also decided it was time to do some laundry. Since I never trust to dry any of my clothes, in fear that they may shrink, I currently have 2 weeks worth of clothes laid out around my room. Always fun doing laundry!!
For now,
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